JavaScript Minifier

JavaScript Minifier Tool

Minified Code:

Notice that we've included a script tag at the bottom of the body element that references a JavaScript file called minifier.js. This is where we'll write the JavaScript code that does the actual minification. Here's the code for minifier.js: javascript Copy code const minify = (input) => { // Remove all comments let output = input.replace(/\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/|\/\/.*/g, ''); // Remove all whitespace output = output.replace(/\s+/g, ''); return output; } const minifyBtn = document.getElementById('minify-btn'); const inputArea = document.getElementById('input'); const outputArea = document.getElementById('output'); minifyBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { const input = inputArea.value; const output = minify(input); outputArea.value = output; }); This JavaScript code defines a minify function that takes a string of JavaScript code as input and returns the minified version of that code. The function uses regular expressions to remove all comments and whitespace from the input string. The code also includes event listeners that listen for clicks on the "Minify Code" button. When the button is clicked, the minify function is called with the contents of the input textarea, and the minified code is displayed in the output textarea. And that's it! With this code, you should have a basic JavaScript minifier tool that users can use


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